WARNING: Before using this tool, please make sure that your PC doesn’t support UEFI as Windows USB/DVD Download Tool doesn’t help you prepare the bootable USB for UEFI PCs. IMP: If you get “The selected file is not a valid ISO file” error, please follow the instructions mentioned in our how to fix the selected file is not a valid ISO file error guide. Windows 10 bootable USB using USB/DVD Download Tool You can now open UEFI settings and make necessary changes to boot from USB drive. Once Rufus completes its job, you’ll see the “Done” message.

Step 7: Finally, click the Start button, click the OK button when you see the warning dialog to continue its job. To download the latest ISO, please go through download Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft guide.

Step 6: Enter a volume label, click on the CD/DVD drive icon to browse to the Windows 10 ISO image file. But if you’re sure that your PC doesn’t support UEFI, you can choose NTFS for a faster installation. Step 5: Next, select the File system as FAT32 (default) as it supports both BIOS and UEFI.